Industrial Hygiene Survey

The intent of industrial hygiene survey is to identify possible risks to worker health and the need for further evaluating and is to identify possible risks to worker health and the need for further evaluating and testing to determine if there is a risk of overexposure and regulatory compliance issues

Risks to worker health

  • Air Contaminants
  • Chemical Hazards
  • Biological Harzards
  • Physical Harzards
  • Ergonomic Harzards

Types of Industrial Health Surveys


Safepro limited Air Quality Monitoring Services

Safepro limited offers the service of air quality monitoring along other services in line with legal and regulatory requirements. We provide environmental assessment and monitoring for pollutant flue gases (S0x, N0x, VOCs and H2S among others) emitted from stack boilers and generators as well as dust emissions in workplaces as a basis of determining conditions of ambient and workplace air quality. For this assessment, we use Airflow FGAII CEM air monitor, which employs ADST (Advanced Dual Sensor Technology) to provide full-scale measuring ranges for pollutant gases from 0.005ppm to 40,000ppm, with a drift specification of less than 2%.

At safepro we go an extra mile to ensure the workplaces are safe and enhance the best business environment.

Legal requirements

Every occupier is required to carry out noise level measurement at least once in every period of twelve months to determine the prevailing noise conditions,according to section.6 of the LN No.25 (Noise Prevention and Control Rules), 2005.

Why noise level measurement?

The aim of the noise level measurement is to determine exposure levels of workers to noise in the work environment as a result of the operations. The data obtained is used in planning the safety and health management control measures where necessary to eliminate or minimize worker exposure to noise.

The exposure levels obtained after the measurement are comparable with the standards [(Threshold limit values (TLV)] adopted by the International Labor Organization (ILO), American Conference of Industrial Hygienist (ACGIH) 1989-guideline document and the Occupational Safety and Health Act, 2007.

Safepro limited guides and leads this process to enhance compliance with the legal requirements.


Ergonomic Survey

Ergonomics also referred to as “Human Factors” can be described as the science of fitting tasks in the human body. Ergonomics survey focuses on the design of workstations, equipment or tools and work tasks in order to increase and improve efficiency, safety and comfort.

Safepro limited ensures that factors that may lead to Injuries resulting from the poor ergonomic design of the work environment, tools and work tasks that may affect tendons, muscles, ligaments, joints, nerves and discs and are often referred to as Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs), Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSIs) and Cumulative Trauma Disorders (CTDs) are well avoided in advance. Our ergonomic survey documents the best practices towards safe work environment.

Safepro team offers intensive and excessive workplace assessments and suveys to accurately identify ergonomic risks in a workplace .We ensure that we offer practical ergonomic interventions to eliminate, reduce and / or control the risk of injury presented to employees. By-so-doing, increase employee satisfaction and productivity.


Safepro team conducts a Light survey on the best interest of employees and the industry. As a legal requirement, we seek to establish the potential impact to the existing working environment, and provide data that can be used to mitigate the excessive light emission from factory operations.

Safepro Limited is your preferred partner in EHS compliance and continuous improvement.

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Get in touch

+254 114 099 515,
+254 720 530 985,
+254 725 254 536

Muthaiga Cool Breeze Gardens Office Suite B, Nairobi Kenya